Dear students, Dear parents, Dear you, Welcome to our place. We intend this blog to be somewhere you can sometimes visit, get some bits of interest, funny activities and connections as well as other issues we may post in the future. If you want, you can also drop a word or two. Enjoy.
dilluns, 10 de desembre del 2012
Hello again!
Here you have a nice video to practice your carol. Enjoy it!!
divendres, 10 de febrer del 2012
Vedanthangal Project 6èB
Hi, this is the video where pupils from 6èB present themselves to our friends in India. You will listen to them talking about their hobbies, as well as giving personal information, so that everybody can know a little more about them. They tried their best but sometimes they got quite nervous.Preparing this video took a great deal of time and it meant an important effort from all the people implied in the project. We hope you love it!
Hola, aquest es el vídeo on els alumnes de 6èB es presenten als nostres amics de la Índia. Els escoltareu parlant dels seus hobbies, així com donant informació personal, per tal que tothom els pugui conèixer una mica més. Ho van fer el millor que van poder però de vegades es van posar força nerviosos/es. Preparar aquest vídeo ha suposat una gran quantitat de temps i ha significat un gran esforç per part de tota la gent implicada al projecte. Esperem que us encanti!
Vedanthangal Project 6èA
- Hi, this is the video where pupils from 6èA present themselves to our friends in India. You will listen to them talking about their hobbies, as well as giving personal information, so that everybody can know a little more about them. They tried their best but sometimes they got quite nervous.Preparing this video took a great deal of time and it meant an important effort from all the people implied in the project. We hope you love it!
Hola, aquest es el vídeo on els alumnes de 6èA es presenten als nostres amics de la Índia. Els escoltareu parlant dels seus hobbies, així com donant informació personal, per tal que tothom els pugui conèixer una mica més. Ho van fer el millor que van poder però de vegades es van posar força nerviosos/es. Preparar aquest vídeo ha suposat una gran quantitat de temps i ha significat un gran esforç per part de tota la gent implicada al projecte. Esperem que us encanti!
Vedanthangal Project 5èB
Hi, this is the video where pupils from 5èB present themselves to our friends in India. You will listen to them talking about their hobbies, as well as giving personal information, so that everybody can know a little more about them. They tried their best but sometimes they got quite nervous.Preparing this video took a great deal of time and it meant an important effort from all the people implied in the project. We hope you love it!
Hola, aquest es el vídeo on els alumnes de 5èB es presenten als nostres amics de la Índia. Els escoltareu parlant dels seus hobbies, així com donant informació personal, per tal que tothom els pugui conèixer una mica més. Ho van fer el millor que van poder però de vegades es van posar força nerviosos/es. Preparar aquest vídeo ha suposat una gran quantitat de temps i ha significat un esforç important per part de tota la gent implicada al projecte. Esperem que us encanti!
Vedanthangal Project 5è A
Hi, this is the video where pupils from 5èA present themselves to our friends in India. You will listen to them talking about their hobbies, as well as giving personal information, so that everybody can know a little more about them. They tried their best but sometimes they got quite nervous.Preparing this video took a great deal of time and it meant an important effort from all the people implied in the project. We hope you love it!
Hola, aquest es el vídeo on els alumnes de 5èA es presenten als nostres amics de la Índia. Els escoltareu parlant dels seus hobbies, així com donant informació personal, per tal que tothom els pugui conèixer una mica més. Ho van fer el millor que van poder però de vegades es van posar força nerviosos/es. Preparar aquest vídeo ha suposat una gran quantitat de temps i ha significat un gran esforç per part de tota la gent implicada al projecte. Esperem que us encanti!
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