divendres, 9 de desembre del 2011

Alphabet song

Here you have a good song to learn and review the alphabet. Enjoy it!

Aquí teniu una bona cançó per aprendre i repassar l'abecedari. Gaudiu-la!

dijous, 7 de juliol del 2011

Goldilocks and the three bears

Una altra història per veure

Goldilocks and the three bears


Happy Holidays!! Bones vacances!!
Gaudiu de l'estiu, enjoy!!

Ens veiem al Setembre


Pet Shop

Els nens i nenes de P4 i P5 de l'Escola, conjuntament amb els de l'Escola Tiziana han assistit a la representació teatral THE PET SHOP, on els principals protagonistes eren un grup d'animals domèstics i un venedor bromista.


1st and 2nd grade students went to the theatre to see CINDERELLA by IPA. We enjoyed a lot being actors or actresses.

divendres, 1 de juliol del 2011

Dialogues about Food 2nd (2010-2011)

The girls and boys of 2nd recorded these very funny dialogues about food. Enjoy!

In these videos you can watch the following actors and actresses:
Gisela and Carlota
Nil and Bruna
Anthony and Martina

Here you can see
Sandra and Yeico
Ager and Elia
Andreu and Joel

Here you can see
Neus and Ona
Nayade and Mateu
Ester and Abel

dijous, 30 de juny del 2011


We went to the theatre and we enjoyed a lot with Cinderella and the Prince.

divendres, 29 d’abril del 2011

A funny Days of The Week song

This is a funny song about the days of the week by the american band They Might Be Giants

dimecres, 6 d’abril del 2011

Hello new school!

Hi! We finally are in the new building and we are still discovering new things as well as trying to get used to the new spaces. This is our presentation and welcome to our current school. Enjoy it!

Hola! Finalment ens trobem al nou edifici i encara estem descobrint novetats així com provant de fer-nos als nous espais. Aquesta és la nostra presentació i benvinguda a l'escola actual. Gaudiu-la!

dimarts, 22 de febrer del 2011

Goodbye school!

Hi! We are moving into a new building during the next week, and in the school there are boxes everywhere and a strange mixture of  feelings. The children from 6è took photos of some places in the school and in this presentation they say something about each one of them. The song at the background is the one we sing to start and finish the class, as a routine to get ready and to tidy up. Enjoy!!

Hola! La propera setmana ens traslladem al nou edifici i per tota l'escola hi ha caixes i una estranya barreja d'emocions. Els nois i noies de 6è han fet fotos d'alguns dels espais i les han comentat en aquesta presentació. La cançó de fons és la que fem servir a l'inici i al final de les classes, com a rutina per preparar-se i recollir. Gaudiu!!

dilluns, 7 de febrer del 2011


You can practice some vocabulary about family with these games online. Maybe you know all the words and maybe you learn some new ones.

Practiqueu el vocabulari sobre la família. Alguns noms els coneixereu i d'altres potser els aprendreu. 

Game #1: Memory

Game #2: Listen, listen, listen Memory

Game #3: Concentration Game

dimarts, 18 de gener del 2011


Una bonica història tradicional anglesa, potser per als més grans però amb precioses il·lustracions.
